HillBilly Hiking helps to wash out the noise from constant stressors. Life often begins with the screaming of an alarm clock after not having a good or restful sleep. Workdays are spent almost always on fast-forward, as notifications, email alerts, and reminders of pending deadlines fight for our attention. Immerse yourself in the beauty of the Fraserwood Forest at the HillBilly Resort with our gentle sensory-based invitations. Nature walks can incorporate meditation, sensory activities, or a focus on mindfulness. Whether you're looking to relieve stress, find inner peace, or simply connect with nature  to reset, time on our trails offers a unique peaceful, calming, and loving experience that reconnects self with nature finding inner peace for holistic wellness. Through sensory activities and meditation, you will leave feeling rejuvenated and grounded.


HillBilly Hiking is a form of Forest Therapy , a self-guided hike that takes you through the woods, gardens, or any other place where you can connect with nature in a fun yet and thoughtful manner. It is an opportunity to reset the mind, body, and soul while rediscovering the original you, who you were designed to be. Self-Guided HillBilly Hiking-Nature Walks is an experience that invites soul searchers and restorers to embark on a personal journey through the tranquil 77 acres at the HillBilly Resort. Explore the beautiful, imperfect landscapes and random wildlife populations on the acreage as you forage through on each uneven  and maze-like path. This walk will awaken all your senses as you explore the sights, sounds, smells, touches, and tastes of the land. See what exciting discoveries you can make!  

There’s something undeniably special about being in the great outdoors. It’s a chance to ground, relax, and reconnect to the natural world and ourselves. Most people spend 80% of their time indoors and wonder why they feel like life is passing them by or they are missing something.  You can experience your HillBilly Hiking with the HillBilly Hiking guide & Journal, friend, pet, or by yourself. It's a great way to relax, enjoy the outdoors, reset, and get some exercise. A Self-Guided HillBilly Hike is an excellent means to get away from the hustle and bustle of city life and connect with nature. HillBilly Hiking can be 10 steps or 10 miles — it's up to you!

HillBilly Hiking for Youngins 

HillBilly Hiking is particularly good for youngins. It  provides a space and opportunity for them to explore their world in a safe and structured environment.  It offers the opportunity for freedom and self-guided discovery which can promote critical thinking and problem-solving skills.  They have the opportunity to explore various plants and animals and perhaps even learn a little about themselves.

The youngins will quickly learn how to protect themselves from the elements (rain, sun, wind, snow). Going back to the basics introduces them to healthier ways of spending their time without technology. HillBilly Hiking will definitely stimulate their senses, which helps youngins feel more alert especially when they are exploring new and exciting things. Teacher, activities, and supplies can be provided through the Turtle Clan Forest School.

Suggested HillBilly hiking Activities

When you go for a walk in nature, there are several fun and simple activities that can help you connect with Mother Earth while making your hike more exciting and enriching.

Here are 12 fun HillBilly Hiking activities:

1.   On your HillBilly Hike-walk, smell the flowers: they have beautiful fragrances. 

2.   Find a quiet spot to sit and meditate: Meditation is proven to be beneficial to both physical

     and mental health. Find a quiet private place to sit. Close your eyes for a bit of time and try         meditative box breathing.

                         -Breathe out slowly, releasing all the air from your lungs.

                         -Breathe in through your nose as you slowly count to four in your head. Be                                                     conscious of how the air fills your lungs and stomach.

                         -Hold your breath for a count of four.

                         -Exhale for another count of four.

                         -Hold your breath again for a count of four.

                         -Repeat for three to four rounds


3.   It can reduce stress levels, improve the immune system, lower blood pressure, steady                      heartrate and improve focus by slowing down the brain and relaxing the nervous system.

4.   You can do yoga while out in nature. Try incorporating sun salutations, downward dog, and          warrior poses to provide a workout for your body and mind or try some simple stretches. 

5.   Take photos of flowers and plants along the way. Many people find it relaxing to take photos        while they're out walking in nature to remind you of your relaxing experience when you                  return to the hustle and bustle of life. 

6.   Listen to the sounds of nature. Close your eyes and open your ears. Listen carefully to each          sound around you. What do you hear? How many distinct sounds can you distinguish?                  Practice listening to the forest around you. Use all your senses to fully experience nature.

7.   Watch the clouds move and change shape. 

8.   Bring some art supplies along to paint or draw what you see around you.

9.   Writing: journal your experience or make up some stories from a tree or squirrels perspective.

10.   Do a nature scavenger hunt. Make a list of items you want to find, such as a pinecones,                 acorns, and feathers, then go find them. 

11.   Feel the air as you go for a walk! What does it feel like? Does it remind you of anything?

12.  Look at the trees in detail. Feel them.  Touch them. Smell them. Maybe even taste them (fruit          trees, pine trees-white pine). Look for the oldest tree you can find. Look for the largest tree.            Look for the happiest or saddest tree. Why do you think they feel this way.



Humans have always found peace and comfort in nature. It is in our DNA. We are designed to be surrounded by plants (Forest Therapy & School), animals (Animal-Assisted Wellness) in a fun and pleasant atmosphere.


Here is a list of spiritual benefits:

1. Walking supports a sense of spiritual connectedness. It happens automatically if you still the mind and allow. I have not heard anybody say they feel worse when they are out in natural environments. When we walk outside, away from technology and other distractions, we can reconnect with what matters most—ourselves and the natural world. Walking in nature gives us the opportunity to be alone with our thoughts and a chance to figure things out. HillBilly Hiking gives us the time to think about our lives, who we are and where we're going, who matters to us and what's important—and how all those things relate back to who we are as human beings. It removes us from the stressors, hustle & bustle of everyday life.

2. HillBilly Hiking facilitates mindfulness. HillBilly Hiking helps us to relax, take our minds off unpleasant things which helps us to feel more content and happier.

3. HillBilly Hiking helps you to feel freer and more open. It is a great way to escape from the boredom and stagnation of daily life. It's freeing to be your true self without pressures or consequences. This freedom allows you to open up and embrace your true personality, and the freedom to expand your awareness beyond imagination.

4. Walking in nature can foster an appreciation for the beauty of creation. The sights, smells, and sounds of nature are refreshing and provide an escape from an overwhelming life/lifestyle. The simplicity of nature has the magic of helping us to put our priorities straight and can help us remember what really matters in life: relationships with family and friends, and connection to a Higher Power (Creator, Inner-Voice, Mother Earth, God, Buddha etc.).

5. Walking in nature awakens the feelings of peace and tranquility.

Walking in nature is about more than making time to be outside; it's about allowing nature to work upon us and promote those positive sensations that make us feel at ease and whole.

HillBilly Hiking's Mental Benefits

Walking in nature offers the relieve of stress and tension, it's also been shown to improve your mood and put you in a better frame of mind for coping with life's pressures.

Here are five mental health benefits of HillBilly Hiking:

1. It's relaxing.

The calming effect created by being in nature has shown that simply looking at pictures of nature can reduce your levels of the stress hormone cortisol

2. It improves your outlook on life.

When you're surrounded by plants, animals, and clear skies, it's easier to appreciate what we have here on Earth, which can lead to greater happiness  and a more positive attitude.

A study published in the Journal of Environmental Psychology revealed that nature can have a powerful effect on mood, even in those with a low degree of social connectedness.

3. HillBilly Hiking can help you make better decisionsStudies have shown that HillBilly Hiking leads you to make more rational decisions based on facts rather than emotions.

HillBilly Hiking can help you make better decisions, because the physical act of walking shifts your mindset and puts you more in control. When you are on the move, your brain waves shift from fast-paced beta waves to slower alpha waves—the latter being associated with a relaxed state that promotes creativity, better decision-making and improved overall health. HillBilly Hiking also causes your body to release dopamine, a neurotransmitter that induces pleasure and is associated with goal-driven behavior. The combination of  HillBilly Hiking and dopamine can lead to a more positive outlook on life and the ability to see connections between things that might otherwise seem unconnected.

4. HillBilly Hiking can ignite observation skills and creativityStudies have shown that even a short amount of time spent HillBilly Hiking, or viewing the natural environment through a window or picture, can improve creativity and cognitive performance. We are designed to be part of nature (we are nature), and we innately understand the importance of natural surroundings which can motivate us to pay attention to the information and guidance available in places such as the Fraserwood Forest. It has been noted that people have revelations about themselves and life when they spend time in nature.

Being in nature helps us to see things with new viewpoints. It helps us to slow down our minds, an important step toward being able to witness and discern. A study at Stanford University disclosed that people spending time partaking in HillBilly Hiking  have better problem solving abilities and regulate emotions easier than those who walk in city settings.

5. HillBilly Hiking can be a source of renewed hope and healing.

Nature brings us peace simply because it doesn't require us to do anything. We just have to sit quietly under a tree or look at the beautiful surroundings. Walking, on its own, is a powerful healing force—it can relieve stress, increase energy, improve mood and promote happiness and satisfaction. This helps your mental health. A source shows it can help reduce anxiety, depression, and a negative mood. It can also boost self-esteem and reduce symptoms of social withdrawal. The physical act of being outside can have positive effects on your mind, body, and spirit giving a source for inspiration, and healing which helps one to become more resilient.  It's hard to feel hopeless when surrounded by natural perfectly imperfect beauty. Studies have shown that spending time in nature, and even listening to the sounds of nature, gives the brain a break from everyday thinking and helps the nervous system relax.


TBA Ma McLane: HillBilly Hiking Guided nature walks: Immerse yourself in the beauty of Fraserwood Forest at the HillBilly Resort. Connect with nature and learn about local plants and animals. Join our knowledgeable guides on a nature walk through the stunning landscapes of Fraserwood. Learn about local plants and animals while soaking in the beauty of the natural world.

Our guided nature walks offer a blend of education and relaxation, providing an opportunity to immerse yourself in the natural beauty of Fraserwood Forest while learning about the local ecosystem.

  • Knowledgeable guides
  • Stunning landscape
  • Nature immersion